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5 Simple Ways to Feel Better Faster

 5 Simple Ways to Feel Better Faster


Today seems like people are busier than ever. Between having a job, taking care of your family and housework, it is easy to get burnt out. Most people tend to put their needs last or neglect them entirely. This perpetuates the problem. If you don't take care of yourself, not only will you feel poorly but other areas of life will suffer as well. Self-care is crucial to having a healthy, happy and successful life. Knowing where to start making changes can be overwhelming. Here are five ways to quickly and effectively achieve wellness.


The most immediate way to start feeling healthier is to get more sleep. It is all too easy to fall into a habit of staying up late binging on a show or scrolling Twitter. It feels relaxing, but those activities are not going to benefit you nearly as much as sleeping will. The average adult needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. It is vital that you let your body recover with a good night's rest, and in return, you will have the energy you need to take on the day. Sleep improves your body's immune function, and it boosts your memory capabilities and mental clarity. Getting enough sleep reduces the stress hormone cortisol, which when elevated for long periods of time can contribute to weight gain. The importance of sleep cannot be overstated.


Nutrition is another key aspect of health. When your body has what it needs, it will perform optimally. Rich delicious food certainly is delightful, but it can leave you feeling sluggish. Ditch the late night chip snacking and pick up some whole foods to fulfill those cravings. Stock up on produce and lean proteins. Instead of eating out, prepare a healthy make-ahead dinner when you have a busy day in front of you and won't have time to cook. Pack lunches for work instead of eating out. Limit sugary treats for special occasions. Drink lots of water throughout the day. These simple changes in nutrition will fuel your body and keep your mind clear. You don't have to start following a complex eating plan, just small healthy changes are enough.


Perhaps you think you're too busy for exercise, but almost anyone can carve out thirty minutes a day for it. Frequent and short bouts of exercise are very effective in improving your health. Getting your heart rate up with exercise produces endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones. Though it is tiring while you're doing it, working out gives you energy and helps you sleep better at night.  You don't need to join an expensive gym to do it. You can go for a walk or a quick run in your neighborhood, or find an online workout video to follow. There are numerous ways to workout so it will never become dull. Try weight lifting, or HIIT, or maybe a dance style cardio class like Zumba. No matter what part of the day you can fit it in, just a half hour of exercise three to five days a week will make a difference.


Poor emotional health can have physical ramifications. Taking the time for personal relationships will help you feel fulfilled. Most of society is active on social media, and thanks to smartphones it is always available. Even though people are so connected, social media actually contributes to feelings of depression.Seeing the highlight reels of others' lives can leave you feeling isolated. Though it is easier to comment on a friend's Instagram post than it is to set up a time to get together, spending real time with friends or family will make you happy. If you can't get your schedules to coincide, set up a phone date to catch up. Try to limit the time you spend on your social media platforms. If you can't resist them, there are social media blocking apps available.


Finally, volunteering will definitely and immediately make you feel better. It may seem contradictory, but helping others benefits you as well. Find a cause or an organization you care about and give them some of your time. Getting involved in your own community is always rewarding, so if you aren't sure where to begin volunteering, look up local charitable organizations, food banks, or animal shelters.


When you're feeling run down, take stock and see where the imbalance in your life lies. More than likely, you're not taking care of yourself. Try implementing just one of these ideas and soon you will start feeling better. 

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