How Can Panic Disorder Be Managed Effectively?

Living in Littleton, looking for panic disorder management? Treatment for panic attacks is a call away with Intrepid Mental Wellness.

12/19/20242 min read

panic disorder management
panic disorder management

If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack, you know that even the best descriptions fail to capture the gut-wrenching frenzy and helplessness that overtake you during these dreadful events. How can something invisible make you feel as though you’re dying? What can you even do in the face of such heart-pounding insanity? It may sound hollow in comparison to your pain, but there are ways to effectively take a stand against panic disorder and the disorienting chaos it invites into your life. If you live in Littleton, Colorado and need panic disorder management, treatment for panic attacks is closer than you think. Today we’ll explore the 1-2-3 punch of understanding, self-care, and professional treatment that may catch your panic disorder off guard and help you reclaim your sense of sanity.

The More You Know

Perhaps the most helpful bit of information about panic attacks is that they’re part of a natural mechanism of self-protection. In fact, the panic response is your body’s “fight-flight-freeze” technique to help prepare you to defend yourself against real threats.

Because what you experience during a panic attack is actually a natural bodily mechanism, it also means that panic attacks can’t actually hurt you. They are also relatively brief. Though they may seem to last a lifetime, panic attacks actually only last between 5-10 minutes.

If you can commit these facts to memory, it will go a long way in disarming panic attacks and loosening their grip on your life.

Self-Care Survival Techniques

Another leap forward in your journey through panic will be the moment you realize that you’re not nearly as helpless as you may feel during a full blown panic attack. McGill University has released a list of ways you can actively arm yourself against panic attacks; proven strategies like diaphragmatic breathing, distraction methods and progressive muscle relaxation that can take you from victim to victor in your relationship with panic.

Panic Disorder Management, Treatment for Panic Attacks

Perhaps the best way to manage panic disorder is to seek a trained professional who can guide you personally through understanding and self-care, in addition to giving you sound medical treatment. At Intrepid Mental Wellness, we specialize in just that; nurse practitioners offering a comprehensive approach to managing your mental health with a blend of effective medications and supplements with a track record of success. Don’t be a passenger as panic unravels your life; fight the good fight with Intrepid Mental Wellness. Reach out via our contact page today!